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Frequently Asked Questions

Does my child have to be potty trained to attend Unity?

No! Your child does not have to be potty trained to attend our regular program. In the 2/3 classroom children start practicing using the bathroom with their peers and teachers will help facilitate toilet training. However, we do require children attending Lunch Bunch and summer programs to be toilet trained.

My child turns two on September 2, can she be in the 2/3 classroom this year?

Children must turn 2 by September 1 of that year to attend Unity.


Are you going outside today?

Yes! Well, most likely yes. As long as the weather conditions are not severe (“Feels Like” temperature is above 18°) the children will be outside. Please have your child dress for the weather!

With all of this playing going on are the kids actually learning anything?

All this playing means that they are learning. And even more importantly, they are learning to love to learn. The research is in: play based learning sets the stage for later in life, creating brains that are more flexible and primed to learn.  Our children are ready for kindergarten when they leave Unity and are self-motivated learners.

Do I need to provide a snack for my child?

No. We provide healthy snacks every day at Unity. If your child has specific dietary restrictions, please let your child’s teacher know in writing.


What kind of discipline do you use?

Unity Preschool sets limits (discipline) which help children develop self-control, assume responsibility for their own acts and learn to understand the rights of others.
Discipline may include firm positive statements and redirection of behaviors by staff. Teachers will help children to understand the rules of the school, limits and consequences of their actions and encourage children to resolve their conflicts through the use of their words.  Unity also teaches beginning strategies for problem solving and conflict resolution.  These strategies include helping children understand their options, learn to make good choices and then reflect on and evaluate consequences of those choices.
There will be times when children may lose control of their behavior.  Teachers may give children an opportunity to regain control of themselves in a quiet place in the room or nearby.  This is not referred to as a time out.  The teacher will remain with the child and help them to identify, verbalize and understand their feelings.  Removal from the group will not exceed one minute per year of age.

I need to be at work at 9 a.m. but your school doesn’t start until 9:15 a.m. What can we do?

For $10/day, we provide early drop-off services starting at 8:30 a.m. If you find yourself needing this service, please talk to the director. Children who are not regularly enrolled in early drop-off may still be take advantage of early drop-off from time to time subject to availability.

My child isn’t enrolled in Lunch Bunch but I have an appointment today. Can he drop in?

Yes. As long as there is space in the program and your child is 3 years old and potty trained, we do allow drop-ins for Lunch Bunch. Please contact the director to see if there is space.